Welcome to the website of the research group on Autonomous Mobile Manipulation at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS) at Örebro University, Sweden.

Research Vision

We strive to enable mobile robots to perform complex interaction with their environment. We perform research on perception and motion synthesis for mobility and manipulation.

We are hiring! A #postdoc position available immediately at @orebrouni with a focus on robot learning, #RL and learning from demonstrations. Apply by 17th of June and get in touch for more: https://www.oru.se/english/career/available-positions/job/?jid=20240126

Congratulations to PhD student Shih-Min Yang on getting his first ICRA paper accepted! 🥳

The paper – Learning Extrinsic Dexterity with Parameterized Manipulation Primitives – trains a hierarchical RL agent to push, flip, and grasp objects on a tabletop. 🧵/3

Our team @orebrouni is growing and we are looking for 3 new #postdocs in #robotics, focusing on earning from demonstrations, reinforcement learning, planning or intention communication and interaction. Apply by *1st of February* More info below or DM me

October 31 at 9:15 CET we have the PhD defense of Quantao Yang, thesis title: Robot Skill Acquisition through Prior-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning. Follow us on Zoom: https://oru-se.zoom.us/j/68763597281?pwd=SzdpRFNadHR4TVRDQ1FQT0FGVjAzZz09
Good luck Quantao!

Congratulations to Yuxuan Yang for successfully defending his PhD thesis! Many thanks to the opponent prof. Ville Kyrki and committee members Dr. Martin Servin, prof. Maud Marchal and prof. Gianluca Palli.

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